Before attempting to remove bathroom mold yourself it is important to learn how to remove mold safely.
The following is a list of the basics which will be necessary for small areas of 10 square feet (3’x3′ roughly) or less.
For larger areas or areas that have flood or sewer damage, professional mold removal services should be utilized.
Tips on How to Remove Mold Safely
- Wear an N-95 respirator to reduce your contact with airborne mold
- Wear goggles, a pair that securely fits without any gaps. Remember mold and mold spores are tiny, you don’t want any getting in your eyes.
- Wear a good pair of waterproof gloves.
- Minimize contact with skin, wear protective clothing and be sure to wash them soon afterward.
- Do not make contact with mold sensitive people with your work clothes on.
- Mold sensitive persons should not be present while undertaking a mold removal project. Mold spores can fill the air, worsening the severity of their symptoms.
- Use plastic sheeting to prevent air from contaminating other areas of the house during mold removal.
- Open the bathroom window and have a fan to help blow air outside
Remember to keep mold prevention in mind when repairing mold damage and making upgrades.
A one piece shower unit without tile will better resist future mold damage because a smooth surface does not have cracks and tiles to hide behind.
A good bathroom ventilation system is a must.
Carpet in a bathroom will also tend to harbor mold so you’ll probably want to upgrade this to a wash and dry surface when you make your repairs.
And remember, if you start to feel sick or dizzy while renovating you should remove yourself from the exposure and go see your doctor. If you are still unsure how to remove mold safely or your mold damage is extensive professional mold removal services might be necessary.
Now that you have discovered a few tips on how to remove mold safely what products are best to get rid of mold for good? We have written up a pretty comprehensive list of products you can use to get rid of that disgusting mold safely and effectively.